
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Homemade Trail Mix | Gluten Free

While I love trail mix, I don't love what is in the prepackaged mixes or the ratio of ingredients.  This is my favorite, homemade trail mix recipe.  Enjoy! *

Homemade Trail Mix

Homemade Trail Mix

2 cups organic, lightly sea salted, roasted almonds.
2 cups organic, lightly sea salted, roasted walnuts
2 cups organic, unsalted, roasted sunflower kernels
2 cups organic rasions
2 cups organic dried cranberries

Mix all ingredients together.  Store in a glass bowl with an airtight lid.

Alternative Ingredient Ideas:   oats, wheat germ, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, dried bananas, dried berries, dried apricots, dried cherries, dried prunes, macadamia nuts, pistachios, Brazil nuts, cashews, coconut, pretzels, animal crackers, dark or milk chocolate...

 Blog entry updated and transferred on 8/31/2013 from original blog entry at on June 4, 2011*

Image Source:  Admin, 6/13/2011

Leslie's Gluten Free French Dressing

I have to avoid many things in my diet including gluten, soy,  high fructose corn syrup, corn, and more, which is quite difficult.  The best way that I have found to do this is to make everything from scratch. The result of which is cooking and baking much of what we eat at home.  I also have to avoid powdered garlic and some types of raw vegetables, as well as Worcester Sauce as it contains soy.  This means that I play around with ingredients in recipes to get them just right.The following is my interpretation on French dressing.  Enjoy! *

French Dressing

Leslie's Gluten Free French Dressing

1/4 cup of Extra Virgin Olive oil or Light Olive Oil
1/4 cup organic ketchup
3 tablespoons of raw honey…I like the raw, you can use what you have on hand
3 tablespoons of Organic apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon celery seed
Sea salt and white pepper to taste

Combine ingredients. Whisk well or blend on high for about a minute.  Can be served immediately or refrigerated to allow flavors to develop.

Image Source:

Blog entry updated and transferred on 8/31/2013 from original blog entry at on June 4, 2011*